Subaru fuel pump tested at 55 psi for proper fuel delivery under boost
Believe it or not: Stock carb!! Modified for turbo use of course ;)
Holley fuel pressure regulator modified to accept boost signal
And this is what ver 1.0 looked alike with fixed advance and
stock carb, mileage was awful...
Ver 3.0 has a solex progressive carb, mileage is getting better
After some time this is ver 3.0
Runnin better
First ver ct9 turbo and actual ver ct20 turbo
Stock engine has 7.4:1 cr and fixed advance
3 inches diam dump pipe...
O2 sensor for tuning purposes
Battery has been relocated to the trunk to get more space
up front and to aid a little to the front-back weight balance
Car sports an Intercooler now, to lower the intake air temperature